Did you know that there are new workplace violence prevention requirements for each employer with over 10 employees in California? The regulations from SB 553 are quite extensive and the July 1st timeline is short for implementation.

Specifically, Senate Bill 553 (SB 553) could have a significant impact on your organization’s policies, procedures, and training. SB 553, Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP), signed into law on Sept 30, 2023, by Governor Newson, introduces key changes in workplace violence prevention plans with stiff penalties for non-compliance. This plan must be in place by July 1, 2024. Key components of the law include:

• Establish, implement, and maintain a WVPP and be accessible to employees;
• Create and maintain records of workplace violence hazard identification, evaluation, corrections, and investigations;
• Keep a violent incident log;
• Recordkeeping (there is a record retention component to each part of the plan);
• Training (initial, annual, and onboarding new employees); and,
• Operative January 1, 2025, collective bargaining representatives may seek workplace violence restraining orders on behalf of employees.

We are pleased to have Alana Forrest on our team with her deep expertise to help your organization navigate and adapt to these changes seamlessly. Alana has 29 years of law enforcement experience and 12 years as a corporate security leader. Alana has participated in countless investigations and incidents involving workplace threats, criminal acts, and domestic violence. She has written and implemented hundreds of policies and operational procedures in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. She has a passion for organizational development, coaching, and training.

At MRG, we understand the importance of staying informed and proactive in the face of legislative developments. Reach us at Solutions-MRG.com or 1-866-774-3222, if MRG can be your trusted partner in this endeavor.

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