James T. Gandley
Health and Human Services, Organizational Transitions

James T. Gandley, D.D.S., M.P.H., is a recognized expert in executive organizational management and health policy. He brings 35 years of executive management and health care delivery experience, along with a shared passion for organizational systems and healthy populations. Dr. Gandley has extensive executive management experience in transformative organizational redesign, strategic planning, change management, resource allocation, and human resource management. Through the years, Dr. Gandley has crafted, supported, and testified in support of numerous evolving health-oriented legislation before the California Legislature. Dr. Gandley is also a Certified Professional Coach. He has worked extensively with executive management and Board members while providing one-on-one and group professional and career coaching and new hire onboarding assistance for organizations.
Prior to his affiliation with MRG, Dr. Gandley served 22 years with Placer County where he provided senior executive oversight and strategic direction for Health and Human Services policies, operational plans, and human resources.
Programs under his purview included Public Health, Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Programs, Children’s Services, Human Services, Medical Services, including County medical and dental clinics, Environmental Health Services, and Animal Control Services.
Before his government service, Dr. Gandley served as an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Dental Medicine and Radiology at Loyola University School of Dentistry, was a staff member at St. Francis Hospital, and maintained a private dental practice.
Dr. Gandley received his Master of Public Health degree from Loma Linda University and his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Loyola University. He is currently a member of the American Dental Association and the American Public Health Association and is a past member of the County Health Executives Association of California (CHEAC).
Listen to what others have to say about working with Jim.
“This email is just to thank you for the wonderful learning experience I have had. It’s been more than a year since the last time we talked. Thanks for the learning experience, I have proven that I can take any projects higher than my classification. Due to your advise and recommendations, I discovered my full potential. My colleges have noticed the change on me. I have shared with them some of the links and the books that you recommended me. Those sources have helped me a lot to improve my professional skills.”