Sandra Meyer

Community Development, Planning

Specializing in Community Development and Organizational Leadership, Sandra Meyer consults with clients using the experience she gained as the former Community and Economic Development Director for the City of Walnut Creek.  Sandra excels at serving communities with the management and processing of complex development projects, coordination of planning efforts with economic development objectives, and project oversight of comprehensive General Plans and Specific Plans, development code updates, and downtown/business park revitalization projects. With a 35-year career in the public sector focused on municipal planning and management, Sandra’s services to clients include:

  • General Plan and Specific Plan Development and Implementation
  • Comprehensive Zoning Code Updates and Amendments
  • Planning Policy Studies and Program Development
  • Development Project Management
  • Development Services Process Improvement
  • Organizational Effectiveness and Program Evaluation

Sandra’s years of experience include management and oversight of two Specific Plans located within the City’s Core Priority Development Area; management of the Housing Division’s work on the multi-year Housing Element Update; project manager for a Development Services Process Improvement Plan (“Development Services Action Plan”) and implementation through two subsequent “Blueprint for Success” City Council adopted documents with over 60 specific, actionable initiatives to guide the improvement of the development services experience in Walnut Creek (85% implemented through December 2020).

Sandra also specializes in developing strong team alignment and engagement to create a high-performing organization as evidenced by “Custom Insight’s” survey process with the City of Walnut Creek. Sandra’s department’s overall engagement score increased by 19 points from 53 to 72 (scores average at 50, above 60 are considered good and only about 10% of organizations nationally score above 72).

In addition to her significant professional experience, Sandra earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Planning and Management from the University of California, Davis.