Robert Brown

Investigative Services, Leadership Development

Robert Brown is a law enforcement consulting professional who brings a unique skill set and over 27 years of experience to client agencies.  During his career with the California Highway Patrol, he was selected to serve in several specialized units within the department including special investigator, department training officer, tactical team member, and administrative supervisor at the Region Traffic Management Center. His professionalism, dedication, and ability to work with every level of command are well documented in the form of commendations and certificates.

Recently retired from the California Highway Patrol, Robert has turned his skill set to the public and private sectors as a subject matter expert. He is a licensed Private Investigator and Qualified Manager. His training and experience in conducting investigations that have criminal, civil, and administrative components enable him to serve clients in a diverse capacity.  

In addition to his investigative skills, Robert has expertise in:

  • Practical application of personnel rules and policy to set workforce expectations
  • Administration of the progressive discipline model to achieve behavior modification.
  • Employee evaluations and documentation
  • Leadership development

Paralleling his law enforcement career, Robert has been elected to and currently serves on several community boards and committees. He has led and contributed to strategic planning, finance, and budget management, audits and inspections, union negotiations, personnel evaluation, and policy development.

Robert’s extensive investigative experience, combined with his knowledge of administrative processes and a very personable, professional demeanor, make him a valuable member of the MRG consultant group.