Ren Nosky

Workplace Investigations, Skelly Officer Services

Ren Nosky is experienced in conducting workplace investigations into allegations of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, ethics violations, misuse of public resources fraud, violence, and other types of misconduct in the workplace. He has conducted all forms of personnel investigations, including high-profile and politically sensitive situations involving elected officials, law enforcement, department heads, and other high-ranking employees. He also serves as an impartial and objective Skelly Officer for agencies. This involves reviewing and analyzing materials from the investigation including agency policies, preparing the Skelly Officer report, and recommending the final disposition.

Ren, a practicing attorney since 1987, has over 25 years of experience representing public agencies. He has served as the in-house City Attorney for the cities of Salinas, Stockton, and Santa Clara. While in private practice, he has also served as the general counsel for many other public agencies, including several special districts and other local government bodies. As an accomplished public attorney, Ren has interfaced with elected officials and executive-level staff members on virtually every significant issue that local governments face today. He has also successfully managed several public law departments and been responsible for their efficient operations. Ren retired from CalPERS in January of 2018 and holds a B.A. in Economics and a Juris Doctor from the University of the Pacific.