Ashwini Kantak

Governance, Leadership Coaching, Strategic Planning, Project Management & Technology Solutions

Ashwini Kantak is a seasoned public sector manager with over two decades of executive experience in general management, organizational development, emergency management, financial sustainability, human resources, technology solutions, capital improvement programs, utilities, environmental sustainability, economic development, and affordable housing. Ashwini has extensive experience working in local government, with a special focus on complex programs, policy development, strategic planning, and process improvements. As a strategic thinker, Ashwini enjoys tackling complex issues to create and sustain vibrant and healthy communities.

Before affiliating with MRG, Ashwini was Assistant City Manager for the City of Milpitas, a full-service city with a diverse population. Key initiatives included two successful revenue measures, an award-winning Smart City infrastructure program, several strategic plans, process and technology improvements, and innovative pandemic programs to assist businesses and residents. Using a combination of strategies, Ashwini successfully addressed a multi-year 20% decrease in revenues with minimal service impacts by working closely with stakeholders.  Ashwini also served as the Emergency Operations Center Director and led the City through multiple emergencies including the pandemic, wildfires, and severe weather events.

Ashwini served multiple roles in the City of San José. As Assistant Director in the Environmental Services department, she led a $2 billion capital improvement program for the regional wastewater treatment facility, developed an innovative Climate Smart strategy, in partnership with PWC, established San Jose Clean Energy, a community choice aggregation entity, and led regulatory compliance, sustainability, and all strategic support functions including budget, human resources, and information technology.  As Assistant to the City Manager, she led the capital improvement program action team, which oversaw the city’s $2 billion capital improvement program. She also led the Green Vision, San Jose’s strategy for green jobs and environmental sustainability; a $100 million citywide grant program funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; and various policies and programs including the city’s first green building policy, and a citywide employee mentoring program.

Ashwini is a licensed architect and a LEED-accredited professional and holds an undergraduate degree in architecture and graduate degrees in architecture and public policy/administration. She worked as a project architect in the private sector for ten years, designing and managing large hospitality and residential projects. She is a graduate of Harvard’s “Senior Executives in State and Local Government”, CCMF’s “New and Future City Managers Seminar”, Housing Policy Leadership Academy (Silicon Valley Cohort), and Davenport Institute’s “Professional Certificate in Public Engagement for Local Government”. Ashwini has an MIT certificate on the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on business strategy.