Andrew Freeman, MPA, ARM

Project Management, Finance, Strategic Planning, Contract Management

Andrew Freeman’s private and public working career is full of experiences leading to highly effective organizational improvements to the workforce, operations/processes, financial sustainability, community engagement, strategic roadmaps, and capital advancement. Andrew’s strategic roadmap experiences consist of drafting, participating, and implementing plans such as Aging Master Plan, GreenPrint, Park and Recreation Master Plan, Strong Neighborhoods Initiative (SNI), Therapeutic Strategic Plan, and Youth Master Plan to name a few. These plans involved working with community members, staff, policymakers, and consultants to support consensus.

By successfully modernizing City workforce, Andrew had lead and deployed automated and web-based technology projects such as WebGrants (San Jose), WorkBright (Dublin and Fremont), ActiveNet (Fremont), and Cityworks (Fremont). Each of these projects consisted of exposing the workforce to new ways of doing business through technology, learning to use technology, and helping the public interface with the technology for greater sustainability and customer service.

He has led and advanced operational and process improvements including a contract management system resulting in the timely execution of agreements, using multi-year agreements to help budget forecasting and operation continuity, a database to track and manage contract development, and the creation of forms to communicate details to admin offices to support execution.

Andrew has successfully improved financial sustainability by leading Request for Proposals to remodel service delivery such as senior nutrition program, graffiti abatement, assessment and engineering services, and re-purpose of City facilities (Reuse). Additionally, he worked with operational managers to convert General Fund programs such as after-school programs into a cost recovery service delivery model, closing the gap between revenues and expenses, while maintaining community access to valuable services.

Working on community engagement, Andrew assisted national brands like Monster Energy adding an X-event Recon tour date, a sponsorship from Wells Fargo to support summer youth programs, and Dick Sporting Goods funding youth programs and events. He worked with a school district on addressing the digital divide with the East Side Wi-Fi Project of San Jose. Additionally, Andrew has worked with community members in defining the use of monies for the Cal Pine settlement consisting of community working sessions to define grant process and funding.

Andrew’s capital improvement experience is on the funding side with Community Development Block Grant Program, Community Center Bond projects, and Park Trust Funds reconciliation Andrew’s career has included a plethora of operational and capital budget development and management including drafting proposals, budget reports, and monitoring and interfacing with financial management systems.