Integrated Human Services

Through Partnership with an Affiliate Group, MRG Provides Specialized Consulting to Address Child and Family Service Agencies

Through one of its unique partnerships, MRG consultants and affiliates provide specialized advisory, leadership and organizational consulting services to address the unique needs of both public and privately administered child and family service agencies.

The Integrated Human Services team brings more than 25 years of successful administration and leadership in Child and Family Service work. Our consultant understands the fiscal and program challenges facing child serving agencies across the state, and can assist your team in navigating the ever-changing service landscape, translating your mission and vision to daily practice, and in maximizing your agency’s outcomes. Whether you’re implementing a new service line or seeking to improve an existing program, we can assist you to structure a quality management plan, and implement strategic changes that help you maintain the pathway to your True North, and chart a course for lasting improvement. Services include:


  • Non-Profit Accreditation Readiness and Organizational Assessment— Exploration and readiness for assessment; selection of accrediting body; Site visit accompaniment; policy and procedure analysis and development; design and implementation of necessary plans and bylaws.
  • Collaborative Practice and System of Care Integration— Innovative funding; Cross system assessment, program design and development; Core Practice Model implementation; interagency policy committee design and implementation; co-location and cross training; fiscal integration, cross system policy development and implementation; MOU execution; Mental Health/Child Welfare/Probation Cross System problem solving; Dual Status issues; Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) partnership and program development.
  • Non-Profit Leadership— Executive and management coaching; grant writing, fund development and revenue expansion; contract or service line development; board development; program implementation; Mental Health contracting and certification
  • Community Engagement, Assessment and Stakeholder Planning— MHSA Triannual Planning; System Improvement Plan and reporting; Performance Improvement and Mental Health Plan and Report Submission; State and Federal Grant Application and management.
  • Health and Medical— Physician relations; telepsychiatry design and implementation; independent practice management; managed care relations and contracting; provider and network relations. State waiver analysis and application/program design.