Project Outcomes, Lessons Learned and Takeaways with Jack Dilles

MRG Perspectives—Project Outcomes, Lessons Learned and Takeaways

Jack Dilles works with local governments to create effective solutions to financial issues, focusing on strategic financial plans, new revenue options, capital project financing and other areas.

He is a Certified Public Finance Officer and has served as the Finance Director for the Cities of Santa Cruz, Morgan Hill and Scotts Valley, where he also currently serves on the City Council.

West Contra Costa Integrated Waste Management Authority

MRG created a new, updated Reserve Policy for the Joint Powers Authority comprised of East Bay cities and Contra Costa County. The goal of this comprehensive project was to assure the Authority, member agencies and the public that adequate funds have been set aside to address contingent liabilities and contingencies.

The project focused on identifying and analyzing current vulnerabilities, including estimates of time ranges and cost ranges for each vulnerability. It also focused on identifying and analyzing current opportunities, including estimates of time ranges and value ranges for each opportunity.

The comprehensive report can be reviewed here, West Contra Costa Integrated.

Learn more about Jack – Profile